April 6th, 2015
Online Assignment #3
The Renaissance, or Rebirth, is
a period in Europe from the late fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries,
which was characterized by a renewed interest in human centered classical art,
literature, and learning. This was connected with humanism. Humanism was a
cultural and intellectual movement during the renaissance, following the
rediscovery of the art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome etc. The
philosophy of humanism, presented in the lecture while talking about the art
Masaccio, was a legacy of the Greeks and Romans. It was a code of civil conduct
and a theory of education. Renaissance art consisted of styles such as frontal
poses with prominence, halos and uses of gold leaf which emphasizes flatness.
It also highlights the prominent role of religious orders.
The Baroque period was the
seventeenth-century period in Europe characterized in the visual arts by
dramatic light and shade, turbulent composition, and pronounced emotional
expression. Some of the arts were of religious experience. The Greek mythology
was that being nude was the highest form of beauty. The dramatic shade created
an illusion of volume.
Good- excellent examples- very descriptive